The Knowledge Hub

Family Dining

Report | What families want from hospitality venues. How ‘getting it right’ can be big business.


There are 278+ million ‘family dining’ out-of-home occasions in the UK every year, but both parents and kids are telling us it’s time to re-look at the family dining occasion and shake things up!

In this exclusive new insight report, KAM is putting the focus on family dining and uncovering consumer behaviour and attitudes influencing how families decide where and when to spend their time and money.

With feedback from 500 parents of children from 0-14 years old, this research highlights…

  • The family dining opportunity
  • Infleunces on venue choice
  • Influences on menu choice
  • The role of health
  • How brands can attract & engage with families
  • How to increase dwell time and spend
  • The size of the prize for family dining

This research highlights the needs, wants, stress points and opportunities for this valuable dining and leisure occasion, and how these have changed over the last two years in order to help operators and brands attract, engage and build loyalty via this invaluable customer occasion.

Family Dining

Release date

Jan 2022


PDF Report. 47 pages