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Here are our latest AAA insights, however, the whole of the Knowledge Hub is now available to you. Enjoy.
The Golden Years
This report delves into the attitudes and behaviours of the 65+ group to understand what makes them tick, and to what extent they are different (but also similar) to other key target age groups, including Gen X, Y and Z. Age may well be just a number, but to understand this demographic, it isn’t the only number you need to know.
SEE MORELow & No 2022
At KAM, we’re delighted to be launching our follow-up research study, in partnership with Lucky Saint, to continue providing critical insight on the low and no category, from a customers’ perspective. We’ve dived deeper into what has changed since 2020 and look ahead to the new customer trends for 2023 and beyond.
SEE MOREOntrade Outlook 2022: Return of the Pub
Two years ago we were told not to go to the pub. British pubs were told to close their doors. The industry had experienced nothing like what was about to be thrust upon it. Before the first lockdown was lifted, KAM carried out research, in partnership with The BII, to help the pub industry understand what their customers needed when they were welcome back the first time. People were still nervous. Hygiene was paramount. Social distancing measures were everywhere. But oh my goodness we’d missed our pubs! Fast forward two years and a lot has changed. KAM has once again partnered with BII, kindly supported by Stint and Brakes UK, to take another close look at the British pub customer and how we can best serve them.
SEE MORECompetitive Socialising 2022
The rising leisure trend of Competitive Socialising refers to any venue or occasion that brings people together to play a game and enjoy food and/or drink. The growth in popularity we are witnessing is closely tied to advances in technology and the demand for new and different customer experiences. We look at the consumer perspective, including their atiitudes towards dedicated competitive socialising venues and the growing demand for “gaming” experiences in regular pubs and bars.
SEE MOREFamily Dining
There are 278+ million ‘family dining’ out-of-home occasions in the UK every year, but both parents and kids are telling us it’s time to re-look at the family dining occasion and shake things up! In this exclusive new insight report, KAM is putting the focus on family dining and uncovering consumer behaviour and attitudes influencing how families decide where and when to spend their time and money.