Message from KAM
A message to our clients and friends in hospitality We are thinking of each and everyone of you during this devastating time. Our hearts go out to hospitality employers and…
Read MoreCorona and Hospitality
Well, where to start? The hospitality industry is in dire straits – you don’t need me to tell you that. I’ve spent the last five days on countless calls with…
Read MoreRemote working
This blog was written by Jack Ronayne, a student of Warwick University, studying Economics. Jack spent 2 weeks interning at KAM Media during the summer in-between his 1st and 2nd…
Read MoreCustomer experience
When customer experience goes bad. Sounds like a show that Gordon Ramsey should be presenting on ITV3. In all honesty I would rather face a barrage of expletives and spittle…
Read MoreHealth and wellness
The only way you won’t have heard the phrase “health and wellness” is if you’ve been living under a rock for the last year or so. But what does the…
Read MoreChild-friendly
Today I’d like to focus on our future, the children, with a final mention of my trip Stateside. Whilst in the US, I was staying friends. Therefore spending a lot…
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