KAMera- An eye on Convenience 81

Good morning all

I have a slightly odd family (honestly, I’m the normal one), which includes my Brother, who at 7 years old is 29 years younger than me. I’m currently his favourite person in the “whole wide world”. Why? Because I’ve been saving up the Lego cards given out free of charge by Sainsbury’s and I presented him with around 30 packs when I saw him on Monday. Sainsbury’s have come up with the perfect footfall driver, and even have three different offers, one for online shoppers, one for larger stores and then smaller packs of cards with a lower necessary spend for their convenience stores.

We all know how influential “Pester Power” can be, so we asked the parents who are members of KAMunity, our online community of shoppers (available to all our clients, contact me for more details) what innovative ideas would convince them to choose one store over another?

The number one answer? Well actually, answer(S)- tied at the top with 29% of the vote each is; “free gift at checkout” and “free fruit for the kids”.

Followed by 14% who would choose a store that didn’t have sweets/unhealthy items near the checkout, then 12% who would like to see games provided for kids to play whilst in store.

So my little Brother isn’t the only one who thinks Sainsbury’s are onto a winner, but personally I LOVE the free fruit idea. If only that was on offer to adults too…

After last week’s celebrations, this weekend’s aim is relaxation. I’ll be pottering around at home, and hopefully in the garden and then on Sunday going down to Surrey for a friend’s birthday BBQ.

Enjoy your weekend and please keep sending in your thoughts, feedback and pictures of convenience store innovation!


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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