An annual, independently conducted research study of UK leased and tenanted publicans. The research identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for individual pub companies, based on how they are viewed by their licensees. The following pub companies currently participate in this research:

What we capture

Key performance measures of pub company services, including communication, support and advice, quality of BDM, innovation, financial support and more.

Important influences on pub company sentiment; what it is that licensees want and need from their pub company in today’s current economic climate.

Hierarchy of pub company selection – what makes them choose one pub company over another, what makes them stay loyal and what makes them switch.

Understanding what the future holds for licensees – where are the challenges and the opportunities, and what support they need in order to protect and grow.
The Licensee Index has given JW Lees an essential benchmark in terms of how we support our pub partners better. We have been challenged in terms of our own assumptions about what is important and, as with everything in life, what gets measured gets done.
William Lees-Jones, Managing Director, JW Lees