Don’t ignore the softies!

Good afternoon

How lovely to see so many of you at the Propel Multi Club summer conference yesterday- some fantastic speakers and a great showcase for everything that is great about our fabulous industry!

Meanwhile, I had a rare bad experience in a London pub this afternoon;

Hot and bothered Katy- “what soft drinks do you have?”
Surly staff member- “cola and lemonade”
H&BK- “anything that isn’t sugary?”
SSM- “no”
H&BK- Right, I’ll just have a glass of tap water then…”

What a lost opportunity- I later asked another member of staff and was given a list of options- but why do pubs often not treat their soft drinks range with as much importance as the alcohol range?

Certainly with the UK population drinking less, and the growing importance of health and wellness- particularly in the younger generation, soft drinks should be a primary focus.

We asked the members of KAMunity whether they thought that soft drinks MENUS should be available in pubs and bars. A massive 72% said they should be; but WHERE should these menus sit?

35% said on tables
21% said on the bar
26% said within the food menu

MEANWHILE, and perfectly timed, KAM Media are launching a brand new insight report focussed on 18-24 year olds in the UK. The report will dig deep into what makes this generation tick. From their attitudes about social concerns, their lifestyle habits, where they spend their money, what they think about big brands, to their views on the future.

Register your interest now for FREE and we will gladly send you more information on how you can get your hands on this hot report. Just reply to this email and register your interest by next Friday and you will receive a 20% discount (normal price: £695) if you DO decide to purchase! No commitment needed until the end of July!

Tonight I’m meeting a friend for an early dinner in the city, then tomorrow I will be doing the same as everyone else in England, followed by a ‘Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds’ gig in Greenwich, which, depending on the result will either be celebratory or subdued!

Sunday is reserved for family and lying in my garden!

Let’s hope it’s coming home… have a good one, see you next week!

Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia
