Health and wellness

The only way you won’t have heard the phrase “health and wellness” is if you’ve been living under a rock for the last year or so.

But what does the trend for all things “good” mean to the hospitality industry? Our recent research into Generation Z told us that 49% of those aged 18-24 would rather go to the gym at the end of a day than the pub. Pubs need to understand the impact this will have on the opportunities for attracting new customers and gaining maximum spend from those who are already visiting. It may be that customers are looking to spend the same but on higher quality products. It may be that spend is switching to mocktails from cocktails. Either way, consumers are becoming more spend-savvy every day. The pub industry needs to have a broadened offer to take health and wellness trends into consideration.

If you’d like a FREE copy of our Generation Z report, all you have to do is ASK!

Flexitarianism is just eating right?

Staying with the theme of ‘health and wellness’, we look at customer food habits. Veganism, flexitarianism (surely that’s just eating?!), low salt, low sugar are all increasing in prominence. 54% of the publicans we interviewed, as part of Ontrade Outlook, told us that they were planning on introducing more healthy food to their menus. Which is probably a good thing. It’s claimed that by 2030, half of the UK could be obese if current consumption trends continue. 

Alongside publicans, we also spoke to 1000 pub/bar goers. We asked them which types of food they’d like to see more of in pubs and bars. As you can see below, lower sugar and lower salt come out on top. If you know of any pubs/bars who are making obvious changes to their food offer in reaction to the health and wellness trend, please do let me know.

health and wellness from the Ontrade outlook 2019 report

I’m in recovery from Glastonbury, so I’ll spend tonight at home with a good book and a mug of cocoa. Only joking, we’ve got KAM drinks tonight. Which should put me in the right frame of mind to take my Grandma out for the day in Lewes tomorrow. Mr Katy is now on tour, so I plan to catch up with friends in a pub garden on Sunday.

Whatever you’re doing, have a great weekend and I hope the sun shines wherever you are!
