KAMera- An eye on the Ontrade 41

TFI’s Friday!

What a week! It was great to see so many of you at the Bii Summer lunch on Tuesday- a well-organised event by all accounts and I’m still laughing (at or with?) the Elton John impersonator. Great fun.

Whilst there, I met Joseph, of Joe & Sephs popcorn. Joseph has created gourmet popcorn that’s designed to be matched with food. They offer a selection of flavours from Camembert to Gin and Tonic and arrive in pouches or in glass jars- perfect to add some interest to a front or back bar. Joe talked me though the link-up with Brewdog that has resulted in Smooth Caramel and Espresso to match one of their beers- a great way to create a cross category product that injects some fun into the crisp and snack selection in the ontrade.

It started with wine and food, then beer and food, cocktails and food and now beer and popcorn matching- whatever next…?

And it seems like a good idea to our members of KAMunity- 42% said they would be interested in popcorn if it was served as part of a pub/bar’s snack range. And I’m one of them.


It’s been a busy week here at KAM Media, so tonight I am glued to my sofa. Tomorrow I’m off down to spend the day with my 84 year-old Grandma, picking her up to take her for lunch after her “keep-fit” class (yes, really) and then on to a friends birthday in Sussex for the evening.

Sunday will bring the usual walk to justify the pub visit on the way.

Enjoy your weekends!


Follow me on Twitter- @katykammedia

Katy Illustration


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