KAMera- An eye on the ontrade 34

Good morning all!

As you are aware, I spend a lot of time in pubs. Sometimes for pleasure but often for business reasons- and not just when I’m reviewing them. As I travel around the country for work, I often find myself having lunch in between meetings or finding a quiet corner to get my laptop out and finish of a presentation. What never ceases to amaze me is how un-worker friendly pubs can be, and the good people of KAMunity agree with me. 67% of the people we questioned told us that they didn’t think pubs were a good place to host a business meeting or work from whilst travelling.

For some pubs, I see this as a quick win- what do business people want?

Plug sockets
An area away from families if possible
Table service- especially when alone, I don’t want to pack up all my worldly belongings every time I need a coffee refill

There is one pub I know of in London who have a sign on their bar-

“Business traveller? Travelling alone? Let us know and we will serve you at your table”

It’s simple, it’s free and it works.

And if more pubs did it, then we’d see more pictures like the below, taken in The Flying Pig in Peckham


Kamera image 34

I’m on my way to a funeral in Brighton today, so the weekend may be a little more sedate than usual, a pub lunch with a good friend and some quality Mr Katy time in front of Netflix beckons.

Please keep sending in your pictures from pubs and bars- I love seeing anything new or innovative that you stumble (sometimes literally!) across.

Have a lovely weekend.


Follow me on Twitter- @katykammedia

Katy Illustration


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