KAMera- Eye on Convenience 52

Good morning all

This week we ran some research about a new(ish) delivery app which has launched for those of us who need alcohol and tobacco delivered to our homes from local c-stores, 24 hours a day. Bevy is designed to deliver goods within London Zones 1 & 2 up until 5am in the morning. If only this was available when I was at university. Actually, maybe it’s good that it wasn’t…

Anyway, we asked 1000 convenience store shoppers whether, if available in their area, they would use the app.

57% said that yes, they’d happily use Bevy, but most wouldn’t be willing to pay for it- 42% said it should be free and only a generous 5% were happy to pay more than £5 for their emergency delivery


An interesting way for local 24 hour convenience stores to compete with 24 hour supermarkets or a bad idea for encouraging late night drinking at home?

I’ve just realised I live in Zone 2…

This weekend is a BIG birthday for Mr Katy, so a night in tonight in preparation, then a party at our local pub on Saturday night; 50 people, a Prince-themed cake and a “This is your life” video plus a LOT of fizz and beer I’d guess! Sunday we are off out for a posh lunch at Zuma in town followed by a bar or two- any recommendations for some good pubs/bars near Knightsbridge, let me know.

Have fun and see you next week!



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