KAMera- Eye on Convenience 53

Good morning and welcome

I often Tweet on a Monday to ask our followers what they want to find out in our KAMera email/blog post.

This week I was asked “How many times does a convenience store need to be out of stock an essential item before a shopper decides to shop elsewhere?”. We took the question to KAMunity, our online community of convenience store shoppers (reply to this email to find out how you can have access) and here’s what they said;

Once- 10%
Twice- 39%
Three times- 16%
Four times- 3%
Five times- 2%

And the good news? It seems like shopper loyalty is on the increase- 30% of those questioned told us that they would never change where they shopped.

And a Brucie bonus for you this week, a question that we asked our members of KAMunity after a particularly frustrating shopping experience I had (Gluten Free, with a friend who is Lactose intolerant, imagine how much fun we are at a restaurant!) was whether they’d like to see more “Free From” products in their local convenience store. A whopping 70% said yes please!

Gluten free

Despite being online pressing the “refresh” button again and again a few months back, I failed to get Glastonbury tickets this year, therefore, this weekend, I will mainly be watching the BBC coverage from the comfort of my own living room. At least I’ll be dry.

Remember to keep your questions for the members of KAMunity coming- if they’re good enough, they will feature on the weekly email- free research- what’s not to like?



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