KAMera- Eye on the Ontrade 103

Good morning and welcome!

With Halloween just around the corner, we thought we would investigate (through the members of KAMunity), what pub/bar goers plans are for the the event.

18% are planning on visiting a pub specifically for Halloween
36% would be happy to pay an entry fee

And what should that entry fee be? Keep it at or below £5 if you want to attract the majority of pub customers.

Happy Halloween!


As this email wings it’s way into your already full inbox, I will be winging my way to New York for the first stage of our two part honeymoon.

It’s been a full on 3 weeks since we got married and we have so far seen each other three times, so this trip is much needed. We are here until Wednesday, so please, any hints and tips for NYC, send them my way, it’s been a few years since I’ve been here, and apart from a few great bars and restaurants and seeing Steely Dan (eek!) on Broadway on Saturday night, we’ve not exactly made a plan!

Have a great weekend all and I’ll catch up with you next week with an “ontrade report from NYC”!


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