KAMera- Eye on the Ontrade 105

Hello and welcome

This week I visited a fabulous Pub in Keighley, The Airedale Heifer.

What this pub is doing with beer needs to be seen, so I thought I’d share some photos with you.

The Bridgehouse Brewery (who also run this and 4 other pubs) have moved their brewing operation into the garden of the pub, where they allow customers to watch the brewing process most days up until 9pm. They run a VIP club, where they choose a customer each month to brew their own beer (they have 8 in their core range and then a monthly special throughout the year). Now, this is bloomin’ clever; not only do they create a customer database (they ask people to sign up and share their email addresses to be in with a chance of winning), but the lucky winner tends to invite all of their friends, family, acquaintances and even, in one case, the postman, down to sample the beer that they made throughout the month.


Collecting customer data, personal marketing and creating loyalty all in one.

The Airedale Heifer also does some really interesting things with the beer/ale that they brew; their menu is designed around beer and food matching, they offer “beer platters”- snacks to go with beer, and are even now offering “corporate beer days” to local businesses; pay a fee, bring your staff, brew a beer, match with food and… well, whats NOT to like?


The Airedale Heifer, giving beer fans throughout Yorkshire a reason to be cheerful!

They even offer “Dog Beer” (non alcoholic, natch) and on a Sunday, dogs accompanying their owners to the pub get a bowl of Roast Dinner, all to themselves!


Tonight I’ll be up in Newcastle, I’ve been up here for a couple of days reviewing pubs and interviewing Publicans, so any recommendations for a nice pub for dinner will be gratefully received! Tomorrow, its down to Essex to stay with friends and a family outing to a fireworks display and Sunday is roast dinner and a movie day (it’s got to that time of year, hasn’t it?).

Please keep your comments and pictures coming and see you all next week!


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