KAMera- Eye on the Ontrade 90

Good morning and welcome!

It’s been an exciting week here at KAM Towers, with the launch of PubliKAM, our new quarterly tracking programme that allows YOU to ask questions to freehouse and tenanted publicans.

Why have we launched this programme? Well, although the pace of pubs closing has slowed from it’s height in 2009 of 52 per week to the current rate of 27, many publicans still feel that they need more support from Pub Co’s and suppliers to help them to sustain successful businesses. This programme gives Pub Co’s AND suppliers the chance to understand the issues from the horses mouth, so to speak.

For example, a recent piece of research conducted by KAM Media shows us exactly where Publicans think their growth is going to come from over the next 12 months. Knowing these views then gives Pub Co’s and Suppliers the opportunity to react, and react quickly.


PubliKAM has been set up to help the industry to understand the view from the ground and to provide interesting and informative insight that is both actionable and trackable throughout the year. If you’d like more details on this participant driven research- contact me ASAP, the first piece of research is due to go to field in August, so you need to be quick!

Despite being online pressing the “refresh” button again and again a few months back, I failed to get Glastonbury tickets this year, therefore, this weekend, I will mainly be watching the BBC coverage from the comfort of my own living room. At least I’ll be dry.

Remember to keep your questions for the members of KAMunity coming- if they’re good enough, they will feature on the weekly email- free research- what’s not to like?



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