Losing energy?

The government have announced this week that they will launch a consultation on proposals to ban the sale of energy drinks, such as Red Bull and Monster to children in England amid growing concern about the impact that these high-caffeine, high-sugar drinks are having on young people’s health.

A welcomed debate for sure and the ACS have written an interesting review of the proposals on their website, which I highly recommend you have a look at here. According to research conducted by the ACS, 53% of convenience retailers claim that they do not currently sell energy drinks to under 16s. So the majority of them, by the looks of it, have already taken the law into their own hands.

‘Do the right thing’ is a core value which many modern company has at the heart of their ethos, and with good reason. From an ethical perspective but also, candidly, from a commercial perspective, because consumers are more likely to engage with brands and retailers who share common values.

This is seen none more dramatically than with the younger generation, as we discovered with our brand new research report into Generation Z ‘Tomorrow’s Shopper Today’

So why do they care so much? Certainly the mass sharing of ideals and ethics across social platforms is a catalyst but mostly it’s because they’ve grown up in an age in which such problems are the mainstay of the 24 hour news cycle. This is a generation that were still in their formative years when 9/11 changed everything. The caring isn’t just for show, although maybe a little bit of it goes towards building their online profile, for the most part they really do care, and above all they want to be associated with brands and retailers that share their ideals. It’s important that brands and retailers walk the walk as well as talk the talk when it comes to doing the right thing in the eyes of Generation Z.

For more details on how to get your hands on the report get in touch here

Click here for a sneak preview of ‘Generation Z: Tomorrow’s Shopper Today’

It’s been a fantastic August at the KAM Media offices as we’ve been out and about meeting some amazing people and working with some brilliant new clients. Check out the below video to see for yourself.


The most exciting news of the month, though, is that we have given our website a fresh new look. KAM-Media.co.uk is now the home of all our amazing content, blogs, thought-leadership and case studies. It also sets out our vision and what we’re all about as a business. Plus it looks bloody sexy! Please do take look and let us know if you have any feedback as we’d love to hear about it

Blake Gladman

Hi, I'm Blake, Strategy & Insight Director at KAM. I look after all our research products and manage the collection and delivery of insight throughout KAM. I love long runs and good food (the perfect life balance).