Love is in the air for pubs and restaurants

Good afternoon

You may have heard that we’ve recently launched a new research report that allows our clients to take an in-depth look at the customer journey from when they decide to eat out in a pub/restaurant, through to when they pay at the end of the experience.

As Valentine’s Day rapidly approaches (Mr Katy will be shedding no tears that I am away that week, I’m sure), I took a look through this new report to glean some facts about customer behaviour in hospitality around this event.

Thankfully, both for the sanctity of marriage and the credibility of our research, the average number of people eating out on a Valentine’s Day occasion is 2; but where does this event sit in comparison to others in levels of spend? The chart below shows it to be the 5th highest spending occasion in the year’s events calendar.

And how many people ate out for Valentine’s Day last year? 21% of us got our glad rags on and went out to stare lovingly into our partner’s eyes- the second highest number of people for all calendar occasions!

Click HERE for more info.

Meanwhile, if you’re interested in what we got up to this month, here’s January’s TMAK!


Mr Katy has had a long awaited operation today that will see him being off his feet for a while, so bar training for my bike ride which I leave for next week (how did that come around so fast!?), I will mainly be at home playing an unconvincing Florence Nightingale.

I hope you all have a better weekend lined up than me!


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia
