Plan To Plate launches – brand new research by KAM

Good morning all

This is a VERY exciting week for KAM- our ‘Plan to Plate’ research report, an in-depth look into the decision-making journey a customer makes from deciding to go out to eat, to the point that they pay their bill in a pub/restaurant is now available!

Those of you who purchased at the early bird rate, it will be winging it’s way into your inbox today.

Anyone else who might be interested- below is a little teaser- just reply to this email or call me on 07841 666325 for more information!

In this report, we started at the beginning; with the question of how far in advance do people plan to eat out? Age is the main differentiator here, with the younger demographic being more impulsive than older consumers. 18-34 year olds are planning, on average, just 3 days in advance, compared to over a week prior to the occasion for the 55+ age group. Typically the younger generation will have the ability to be more spontaneous (less likely to have children and other commitments), but they’re still planning ahead to a certain extent which suggests that eating out is not an impulse decision but one that requires prior thought and research– and therefore opens up the opportunity for influencing their decisions.

This pre-planning will have an impact on reservations, locations, type of venue, occasion and many other factors. Paradoxically, 18-34 year-olds are 50% more likely to be eating out for a celebration/special occasion than 55+ year olds, even though they plan much closer to the date. So they may have prior knowledge of the occasion, but don’t actually book until quite near the date. 

In total, 1 in 3 of those surveyed were eating out for a celebration/special occasion the last time they did so. This is higher in London than outside of London. 

The slide below gives you some other macro figures- get in touch or click here to understand what else is covered in this report!

And here’s what we got up to at KAM in February- warning- Katy is wearing a rather fetching cycling outfit in one clip- all the gear, and no idea!!

Well I’m back from my epic Vietnam charity bike ride- the charity we completed it for, MAG is £125k better off (nearly £8k from my supporters- THANK YOU!!!) and I am one finger (broken, not removed!) down. Seems like a fair swap.

With the above in mind, and the fact that this is my first weekend back, it’ll be a quiet one- it’s my youngest stepson’s birthday so we are taking him for brunch before his football match on Saturday and we plan to tick off another Oscar nominated film at the cinema on Sunday (recommendations welcome), but otherwise it’s wine + sofa for this tired person!

Have a great weekend all

Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia
