Return of the pub: pub customer trends in 2022

Our latest research study looks at the latest pub customer trends and found that pub customer confidence is firmly back at pre-pandemic levels and that pubs are now more important than ever to Brits with 56% of pub-goers saying they will visit the pub at least once week over the next 12 months.

Our new ‘On-trade Outlook: Return of the Pub’ report, in partnership with the BII, Brakes and Stint, is designed to understand the evolving behaviours and attitudes of pub customers following two years of global pandemic, in a bid to define the ‘new normal’ for pub experiences in the UK.

You can find out how to access the Return of the Pub report here.

Customer confidence is BACK

Back in June 2020 we predicted an overall decline in pub visits of 12%, which represented a loss of approx. 200 million pub visits, by regular pub goers, to UK pubs in the first 6 months following the first lockdown. It is incredibly positive news that the latest data suggests that confidence levels have finally returned to pre-pandemic levels.”

“Our members operating pubs across the UK now face exceptional trading challenges as they start their recovery.  Critical to this will be to consistently deliver fantastic customer experiences every time to both retain and grow their trade.  Insight into customer expectations will be essential to ensure they are able to develop their approach and safeguard the great British pub at the heart of every community.”

Steven Alton, CEO of the British Institute of Innkeeping (BII).

35% of all pub goers believe that the role of the Great British pub has grown in importance, for them personally, since the various lockdowns. This is significantly higher in the 18-34-year-old age bracket.

Hygiene and cleanliness measures still in demand

Compared to sentiment back in June 2020, pub-goers now feel significantly safer visiting a venue, across all age demographics, with 3-in-4 of customers saying they feel safe (with regards to catching/spreading COVID-19) when visiting a pub now.

Despite this, they still expect certain measures to remain in place ‘post-pandemic’. Outside of a continued vigilance on cleanliness, pub-goers are still looking for venues to be aware of the number of patrons inside at any given time, with caps on max numbers, decent spacing between tables and outside seating areas all still desired by 1-in-4. Whilst ensuring they maximise the space they have, the research suggests that publicans must continue to be mindful that the last 2 years have created a fundamental change in customer mindset and their consequence behaviours.

Three clear shifts in pub-goer behaviour

The research highlights three clear shifts in behaviours from pub-goers in terms of what factors influence their choice of pub now, compared to 2 years ago. Whereas in June 2020, pub-goers were likely to stick to what they know, now there is a clear desire to be more adventurous with their choice of venue- they are now almost twice as likely to be looking to try somewhere they’ve not been to before.

Demand for friendly and helpful staff has also grown in importance as customers place a greater value on the human interactions that can’t be replicated when having a ‘night in’.

“It’s a slow process of building back, but this is also done with a backdrop of seismic macro and behavioural change in the UK. Cost escalation, supply chain issues and labour shortage are one thing BUT the research clearly shows that we must also now adapt to a new consumer landscape with new habits brought about because of Covid that won’t simply wash away. At the forefront of this is the hunger for exceptional experiences and an increased awareness of what constitutes value for money, this may be challenging for operators but it is prevalent in the here and now and won’t change. Mediocrity is no longer acceptable to survive only exceptional will suffice.”

Anthony Pender, Co-founder at Yummy Pubs 

An experience they can’t replicate at home

Indeed, the research shows that pub-goers are increasingly looking for an experience that they can’t get at home; 78% in 2022 compared with 63% in 2019, an increase in expectation of 24%.

78% of consumers expect a pub to provide an experience which they can’t replicate at home.

As a nation, we have been forced, in some respect, to spend more time at home than perhaps we would ever have done, over the last 2 years, and that has created a new set of occasions for traditional pub-goers – who now know the types of experiences they can have at home. So, when they go out, they are, more than ever, looking for an experience that is less easily replicated. Be that a perfectly poured real ale, an expertly crafted cocktail, delicious food or a vibrant atmosphere – pubs are increasingly being asked to deliver more than simply a drink and a chair.


Customers demand an improved food offer

The research highlights pubs need to shake up their food offer to keep up with evolving and diversifying diets. As well as reductions in things such as salt and sugar, we also see customers looking for ’added benefits’ with 21% looking for added fibre and 24% for added protein. It is sustainable and locally sourced items however that should be prioritised and promoted by pubs. 47% of pub-goers want to see more locally sourced food and 1-in-3 publicans claim they already offer more locally sourced food compared with 12 months ago.

“Sustainability will keep growing in importance. Pubs will need to have clear and transparent messages about food miles, ethical procurement, and food waste. The lifestyle choices of less meat and the need of more vegetarian and vegan dishes is also an area pubs have been slow at adapting to.”

Joby Mortimer, Head of Sector – National On Trade, Brakes

Customers expect price rises

With VAT on the increase, adding to the numerous other financial pressures that pubs are facing, the price of food and drinks in pubs is set to rise. The research suggests that most pub-goers (75%) are expecting a price rise and that a fair price increase is likely to be accepted by many (80%), at least in the short term. However, they are also well aware that price rises may mean they have to reduce their visits to pubs with 1-in-2 admitting price rises may mean they visit pubs less frequently over the next 12 months.

Pub-goers are aware of the challenges that pubs have been through in the last two years; there doesn’t need to be anything ‘sneaky’ about price increases.

Pub-goers are aware of the challenges that pubs have been through in the last two years; there doesn’t need to be anything ‘sneaky’ about price increases, it is happening across so many retail environments at the moment. The beauty of British pubs is that most have a strong and honest relationship with their customers. The key here is that, in the short term, most are aware and understanding of the reasons but pub-goers are aware that they are likely to have to tighten their belts forcing fewer visits to the pub. Pubs need to double down on their customer service, atmosphere, experience, quality of food, quality of service, etc., in order to counterbalance any price increases and continue to offer the level of ‘value-add’ that will get people out of their homes and into the pubs.

Endless opportunities for pubs to evolve

1-in-3 pub-goers feel pubs have fallen behind other hospitality and retail venues when it comes to embracing technology

The research identified endless opportunities for pubs to continue evolving their businesses. One example is a surge in customer demand for home delivery and gift vouchers. A huge focus of the industry has been a focus on digital solutions. In fact, the expectations from pub-goers are that pubs need to up their game when it comes to tech with nearly 1-in-3 feeling pubs have fallen behind other hospitality and retail venues, 37% of publicans agree.

“Technology plays a key role and really is front and centre in today’s world but that doesn’t mean forgetting about the employees. Learning how to leverage the unique human element is key. Technology should be truly complementary; better forecasting, coupled with bottom-up activity-based schedules, coupled with great collaboration, paired with analysis and statistical information that tells you what’s working and what’s not, can all help with the ‘people factor’ and drive great business performance.” Karina Coen, Managing Director at Stint

You can find out how to access the research here or register for our Access All Areas knowledge hub here.


Blake Gladman

Hi, I'm Blake, Strategy & Insight Director at KAM. I look after all our research products and manage the collection and delivery of insight throughout KAM. I love long runs and good food (the perfect life balance).