Local pubs will win customers back first

Our recent consumer poll showed that it will be the independent, local pub sector that will be the first to win back customers when they fully re-open end of May. The research looks at what proportion of customers are likely to return to different hospitality venues in the first three months of full re-opening in May. 62% of UK pub-goers said they intend to visit an independent, local pub in that time- this was the highest proportion of all venue types.

You can download the infographic here.

Cafes and coffee shops came in second with 55% of their customers saying they’d visit in the first 3 months of re-opening. They are followed by independent restaurants (48%.)

‘Chain’ pubs and restaurants will still see a significant proportion of their customers return too with 45% of those who visit ‘chain’ pubs say they intend to visit them in the first 3 months. 42% of ‘chain’, or branded restaurant customers say the same. QSR was slightly lower with 39% of their customers stating they’ll be back within the same timescale.

“The results are really positive specifically for both independent pubs and restaurants, with a large proportion of customers set to return in the first 3 months. This goes hand in hand with other research which suggests that customers will choose local, independent options first for a while. Other outlets are going to have to work that little bit harder to re-attract visitors.” Katy Moses, MD, KAM Media

Customers of nightclubs are predictably slightly more hesitant to return. 21% of club-goers saying they intend to visit in the first three months of re-opening.

A previous poll by KAM found that 1-in-3 UK adults intend to visit a pub or restaurant while they are “outdoor only”. 26% saying they’ll return only when they open indoors after May 18th. A further 33% said they would avoid hospitality for the foreseeable future due to covid- a large proportion of these were typically infrequent visitors to the sector pre-pandemic.

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Blake Gladman

Hi, I'm Blake, Strategy & Insight Director at KAM. I look after all our research products and manage the collection and delivery of insight throughout KAM. I love long runs and good food (the perfect life balance).