KAMera- An eye on Convenience 110


Last night was KAM’s 4th birthday party celebration drinks. Today I am NOT firing on all cylinders, but I HAVE managed to cobble this email together.

Last week, some of you will have read that I was snowed-in in Dublin, I finally arrived home, 3.5 days later than planned on Saturday night, but whilst I was there, I made the most of being so close to, arguably, the best convenience stores in the world.

Alcohol featured quite high in my purchasing habits on those few days, and I was constantly impressed with the merchandising and in-store theatre of the BWS category. I’ve shared a couple of pictures below.

But is all this effort worth it? We recently conducted some research through KAMunity about category fixtures and merchandising in convenience stores. One question we asked was; “Which fixture in your local c-store looks the best?” Overwhelmingly, the BWS fixture came first, with 31% off the vote.

Conversely, we also asked which fixture looked the WORST; confectionery (21%) took this dubious accolade, followed by crisps and snacks (20%).

If you’d like the full results, drop me an email and I’ll get them to you early next week.

After last weekend’s wash-out, I’m looking forward to a family night in tonight, belatedly celebrating my youngest’s birthday, followed by (weather permitting!) a road trip to my Brother and Sister-in-Law’s country cottage in Much Birch, near Hereford for a couple of days of bracing walks, pub lunches and red wine in front of their fire.

Slightly better than sleeping n the floor of Dublin airport…

Have a great weekend,


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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