England Top Trump. SAD


England cry and Trump’s a big baby

Trump arrives and we respond with protests and a giant baby balloon. Standard. In Trump’s interview with The Sun during his UK visit he said, “You don’t hear the word ‘England’ as much as you should. I miss the name England.”

Yeah, I can’t recall anyone mentioning “England” this week.


Just as one swallow doesn’t make a summer, set piece speciality and a lack of creativity in midfield doesn’t make a World Cup winning England team. It wasn’t just heartbreak for the players though as latest reports show that shoppers were also left disappointed as availability issues with beer in the supermarkets and convenience stores meant that just like Gareth Southgate shoppers were leaving empty handed.

Availability is one of the biggest factors that influence a shopper’s choice of store and a factor that if undelivered is a major turn off, one which is heightened at moments of distress. Our recent survey of the Kam Community showed that on the day of England’s semi-final 23% of fans popped to the shops midway through the game to refill (more than 8.5 million of them) so it pays to be prepared. England’s footballers will come again but your shoppers will not if you don’t deliver the basics.

Football wasn’t even the most interesting thing that happened in June, check out the video below to see what the nation has REALLY been talking about..

Blake Gladman

Hi, I'm Blake, Strategy & Insight Director at KAM. I look after all our research products and manage the collection and delivery of insight throughout KAM. I love long runs and good food (the perfect life balance).