KAMera- An eye on Convenience 80

Good morning, and what a beautiful morning it is!

This week I had a conversation with a client that we’re working on an ongoing research programme with about promotions and where they should be sited.

Shoppers are now very used to traipsing gondola ends to source the best deals- but that doesn’t mean they like it. We asked the members of KAMunity (our online community of convenience store shoppers where they EXPECTED to see products on promotion- 60% said “at the end of an aisle”, followed by 23% who said on the main shelf, 14% said by the till and 3% in a dump bin anywhere in store.

However, when shoppers are asked where they would LIKE to see promotions in their local convenience store, 53% said on the main shelves, 33% said “at the end of an aisle”, 10% at the till and 4% in a dump bin.

These results beg the question- is the way we “do” promotions in this channel serving retailer & supplier needs/wants rather than the shoppers?

It being my birthday and all (feel free to send gifts), I’ve taken today off and Mr Katy is taking me down to the seaside for seafood, wine and a visit to Whitstable’s famous cheese bar. The kids are taking me to lunch tomorrow, and then on Monday I’m celebrating with a group of friends in Clapham. Maybe getting old isn’t so bad after all- especially when your birthday falls on a sunny bank holiday weekend (and you drag it out over 4 days…!).

Enjoy the long weekend, I think I’m going to!



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