KAMera- An eye on the Ontrade 119

Good morning all,

It’s been an exciting week here at KAM Towers, PubliKAM 2017 results have landed on my desk and, alongside Briony, our Insights Director, I have been ploughing through the insights and putting together presentations for our clients.

PubliKAM speaks to 1000 publicans from a variety of pub companies and freehouses around the UK.

I thought I’d share a couple of highlights with you about new product development (NPD) and how Licensees treat it. Have a look at the charts below; interestingly, trade press is still the most popular way of discovering NPD- even in this digital age, the industry is favouring traditional media for this important part of their professional education.

We also asked the interviewees in PubliKAM how long a product has on their shelves/in their fridge before they measure its success. You’ll see that 1 month is the favourite period of time, with a further 13% saying just 1-2 weeks. It seems that in this time of instant gratification, licensees have the same tolerance for failure as the general public.

PubliKAM insight explores specific categories, specific Pub Companies and much, much more. Contact me today if you’d like further information on this cost effective, industry-wide programme.

And speaking of Licensees, did you know it’s National Licensing Week starting on the 19th June? Click HERE for more details and to understand how you can get involved!


After last week’s celebrations, this weekend’s aim is relaxation. I’ll be pottering around at home, and hopefully in the garden and then on Sunday going down to Surrey for a friend’s birthday BBQ.

Enjoy your weekend and please keep sending in your thoughts, feedback and pictures of pub/bar innovation!


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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