KAMera- An eye on the Ontrade 145

Good afternoon!

The miserable weather that we’ve been having makes me want to either hibernate or find a cosy pub with a lit fire and a warm drink. Traditionally, for me, that warm drink has been a Mulled Wine or Mulled Cider, but just recently, I saw a sign outside a pub in London; “Come in out of the rain for a hot G&T”. I don’t have a picture, I’m afraid, which may indicate how MANY hot G&T’s I ended up having

Hot G&T…whatever is the world coming to?!

We asked the members of KAMunity whether they’d heard of a “Hot G&T”. You’ll see from the below chart that just 12% had; but, importantly, 22% would order one if available in a pub/bar.

What question would YOU like to ask our KAMunity- about a particular drink, or just about pub/bar customer behaviour in general. Reply to this email with your burning questions and the first 5 will get the question asked to KAMunity and the answer emailed back to them next week FREE OF CHARGE. We give and we give…


After a slightly boozy client event yesterday in Birmingham (this email is being written on a Virgin train, locked onto their WiFi, so it’ll be a miracle if it actually sends…) I’m heading back to London to spend a quiet family night in catching up on Netflix shows and not having to go outside of my house until tomorrow when I’ll be trekking down to Surrey to visit friends and then dance the night away at my Stepmother’s 40th birthday party (I’ve told you before, it’s a VERY odd family set-up!)

On Sunday, weather willing, we’ll take my little Brother out for a walk in the woods before driving back to London and getting ready for another busy week at KAM Towers.

Please keep sending in your pictures and topics you’d like us to cover in these emails, it’s always great hearing from you all.


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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