KAMera- An eye on the Ontrade 150

Morning all,

What a week- it was great to see so many of you at the excellent Propel conference on Wednesday, and then a big thank you to those who joined us for KAM’s 4th birthday celebration drinks last night. I very much looking forward to seeing how this day goes on 2 hours sleep…

We work in such a great industry, one that constantly strives to be better; whether that be through training, mentoring or, indeed, apprenticeships.

I recently spent an afternoon with the guys at Greene King at The Florence in Herne Hill, where they have set up their Craft Academy, the passion radiating out of their young apprentices was great to see- and the beers were pretty good too! But are there other benefits to taking on apprentices within the industry?

We asked the members of KAMunity whether they thought that taking on apprentices in a pub/bar/restaurant was a good idea- a whopping 73% said that it was. And would it make them think more favourably of an outlet if they did? 43% said it would.

So giving young entrants an opportunity to join our fantastic, exciting industry isn’t just “the right thing to do”, it has a direct affect on how our customers view us.

After last weekend’s wash-out, I’m looking forward to a family night in tonight, belatedly celebrating my youngest’s birthday, followed by (weather permitting!) a road trip to my Brother and Sister-in-Law’s country cottage in Much Birch, near Hereford for a couple of days of bracing walks, pub lunches and red wine in front of their fire.

Slightly better than sleeping on the floor of Dublin airport…

Have a great weekend,


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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