Is pre-pay the way forward?

Good morning!

On a recent drive through the wilds of South London, I spotted this enterprising pub running a “pub credit scheme”. Further investigation revealed that they allow customers to pre-pay onto a card that can then be redeemed against purchases of food and drinks solely in that venue

I can’t really make up my mind if this is a good thing or not.

On one hand it encourages customers to spend their hard earned cash in a pub (some of us need no encouragement!),  it also allows customers to monitor their drinking, encourages loyalty and, arguably, it could act as a ‘limit’- ie, once your credit is gone, you’re done.

However, the non transferable, non refundable nature of the card could also add to the woes of the already financially challenged.

Either way, it IS totally on point for the cashless world that we all now inhabit

We asked the members of KAMunity whether they would like their local pub/bar to run a pre-pay scheme, and just 32% would- and when we look at who said yes, it was mainly the older generation who saw it as a clever way to budget their disposable income.

Mr Katy is now away on tour, so apart from lunch in SoHo with a friend tomorrow, I’m going to have a weekend of “doing things around the house” READ- watching Netflix and eating cheese.

Have a great weekend all!


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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