KAMera- An eye on the Ontrade 35

Good afternoon

This week, at KAM Media we have been dusting off our Crystal Ball and looking deep into the future of the ontrade.

KAM Futures is the trends and future predictions side of our business and we’ve been focused on several exciting projects for existing clients looking into both local and global on and offtrade habits, trends, attitudes and behaviours.

No future-thinking would be complete without a large section dedicated to online, apps and the affect that both of these are having on each category that we’re looking at.

In fact, we asked KAMunity (our online community of pub and bar goers- access available to all- contact me to discuss further!) whether they thought that FREE Wi-fi in pubs was now a necessity- and 51% said yes.

Some of the Apps that we have been looking at this week include-

Thirstie is a US app that allows users to search a database of alcohol and order it instantly, with the closest liquor merchant delivering it within an hour. The app also offers users appropriate serving suggestions and cocktail recipes. So far more than 100 retailers have partnered with the app and it has already launched in major US cities including Los Angeles, Miami, New York City and Austin in Texas
Untapped has 625,000 members worldwide who log on to comment on, rate and recommend beers. It also allows members to check in online, see what their friends are recommending (or not as the case may be!)
Hello Vino recommends wine for occasson, by country or to match with food
Mixology is a great cocktail app full of recipes that turns anyone with a few decent spirits and mixers into Tom Cruise in Cocktail. Without the dodgy religious beliefs.

If you want to know more about how KAM Media can help you to future proof your business or product, just reply to this email.


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I’ve been travelling around the UK since Monday so plan to spend a relaxed evening in tonight with Mr Katy and my boys in preparation for the wedding of a friend tomorrow. Don’t worry, we’re all meeting in the pub first for a swift celebratory drink- couldn’t have a whole weekend without a pub visit!

On Sunday we’re having our most “fun” friends round for lunch… Monday might be a struggle!

Have a lovely weekend and keep your pictures, questions and ideas coming!


Follow me on Twitter- @katykammedia


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