KAMera- An eye on the Ontrade 42

Hello out there!

This week I have been out and about doing pub reviews and licensee interviews for our clients. I LOVE my job!

One of the pubs I went to, the Three Cottages, was famous for it’s homemade pies and had a “takeaway” option for it’s customers. They’re selling about 25 a week at the moment, bringing in extra revenue with no added cost base other than ingredients. See below for picture advertising said pies. Badly taken picture. Sorry.

Now, as with all my Friday blog posts, not all suggestions will work in all pubs- and the below pictured idea certainly wouldn’t be right for The Three Cottages, where there is an excellent food offering. But how about allowing takeaways to be bought IN to pubs and bars?

For pubs without a kitchen or where food isn’t an option, for whatever reason, this is a great way to increase customer spend and dwell time. See below for a picture of the outside of The Beer Shop, a hipster bar near where I live in London who, on a Tuesday, allow customers to bring their own takeaway. With no “plate-age” charge.

But what’s the view from KAMunity members? Well, 55% of the pub and bar customers we questioned said it was a great idea, and a further 31% said they would visit their local pub more often if they allowed food from outside the pub to be bought in.

Worth thinking about then…

I’m more than a little bit excited to say that I’m off to the Isle of Wight Festival this weekend- just for the day and night on Sunday to see my Dad play. Or thats what I told him anyway… so I could get on the tour bus and get a free ticket and AAA pass. Really I’m there to see Fleetwood Mac headline… Shhhh!

Have a great, supposedly sunny weekend and keep sending me your feedback, questions you want answered and examples of great Pubs


Follow me on Twitter- @katykammedia


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