KAMera- An eye on the Ontrade 117

Hello and welcome,

With the news this week that Champagne Pommery is to link up with a British vineyard and begin to make “English Fizz”, I wondered whether, as it does in other categories, local provenance of wine would attract pub/bar goers.

We asked members of KAMunity whether they would like their local watering hole to offer English wine; 25% said they did already, and 44% said yes, they’d like it to.

But would it help drive footfall? For 38% of those questioned it certainly would- they told us that they would be “more likely to visit pubs/bars” if English wine was on offer in them.

It seems the attraction of “local” extends beyond food and beer.

I don’t have a suitable picture for today’s email, so instead of using a rubbish Shutterstock-bought one,  I’ll share a picture I took on a trade tour last week of a very imaginatively named wine…

Tonight I’m out with an old school friend in Hoxton- she’s been living abroad for a while so I’m looking forward to catching up. Then tomorrow it’s Nunhead Cemetery’s open day (yes, really), where the local residents sell various things that I don’t need, so I’ll be supporting my community by buying some tomato plants that will never bear fruit, just like the last 5 years, much to Mr Katy’s irritation.

On Sunday I’m heading down to Surrey to spend some time with my Dad and family, which will, no doubt, include a roast dinner, a pub visit and a lot of lovely red wine!

Enjoy your weekend- and make sure to add to your diary that it’s my birthday next Friday- all gifts gratefully received!


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia




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