KAMera- Eye on Convenience 59

Hello and welcome

This week I visited Prague on an on-trade (we also run research projects in the licensed sector for pub companies and suppliers) study tour with some clients. What a fantastic city, a perfect mix of history and innovation.

We saw many, many pubs and bars in our 24 hours (sober though, shame!), but I also made a point of ducking into some convenience stores to have something to share with you guys today.

I was struck by the fantastic Food-to-Go offerings, including this hot food counter that was buzzing at about 8.30am with tourists and workers alike getting their breakfast.


The range and “wow” merchandising techniques employed by this store below (OK, not strictly a convenience store…) were added to by the take-away tea offer, which, I’m told, was sTEAling (sorry) business from the c-store next door during peak times.


And finally, this grocery store who are taking FULL advantage of the Pokemon Go craze. Can you actually catch a Pokemon in there? How the hell would I know, but a great footfall driver if ever I saw one!


This email comes to you from sunny Sussex where I’m celebrating a friend’s wedding, then tomorrow I will be running around getting chores done in time for us to be able to leave first thing on Sunday morning (7am flight with two teenage boys, god help me) for a week in Portugal with the family. Can’t wait!
Have a lovely weekend



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