KAMera- Eye on Convenience 63

Good morning

It seems only last week that we were talking about Summer products (it was) and then this week, it happened. Christmas products are in stores ALREADY!

Now, we know that manufacturers and retailers plan the festive season with great precision and up to 9 months in advance, but what do shoppers want to see and when?

We asked the members of KAMunity when they thought it was reasonable for stores to start stocking festive products. The top three answers are below

30%- The first 2 weeks of November
19%- The last 2 weeks of November
17%- The last 2 weeks of October

And what % of shoppers think they will use their local store for food/drink shopping for Christmas? 73% at this stage; it’ll be interesting to see if that changes as the festive season approaches.




This evening is movie night and tomorrow we have to brave Ikea. On a Saturday. Mr Katy has a theory that more people file for divorce on a Monday morning after a visit to Ikea than any other time; should be fun! On Sunday we’lll be going to the V&A Museum for the “You Say You Want A Revolution” exhibition, celebrating all things ’60’s. Now that I AM excited about!

Have a good one,



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