KAMera- Eye on Convenience 78

Morning all,

As we are all too aware, there are many threats to the Convenience industry out there, and we’re not just talking online and the growth of omnichannel-focussed businesses.

On the micro side, we know of countless companies trying to muscle in on the success of this channel.

One that caught my eye recently is Garcon Wines who now offer wine delivered in a plastic “letterbox-shaped” bottle to avoid the irritating situation whereby your wine arrives but you are out and cannot take delivery. Splendid idea- and 48% of the members of KAMunity (our online community of convenience store shoppers) agreed; seeing it as a way to avoid having to swing by their local c-store on the way home.


Staying on the theme of alcohol and the convenience industry, another well-trodden path of conversation is that of counterfeit goods; especially prevalent in BWS. Pernod Ricard have recently announced a plan to put individual QR codes on products- helping consumers to understand more about their brands (including provenance, history, food matching etc), helping to combat counterfeiters in certain markets, and also to give a transparent element of traceability to their products. We asked members of KAMunity what information they would like to be able to access through these QR codes. If you’d like to see the results, just reply to this email.

I’m out tonight with my oldest schoolfriend having our bi-annual night out in a pub with a live band and pizza and wine, tomorrow is set aside for a family outing (any ideas for something near South London?) and Sunday we have friends over for Sunday dinner (for the 3rd weekend in a row, it’s starting to become a happy-to-have habit!)

Have a great weekend and keep your emails and requests for trade information coming!



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