KAMera- Eye on the Ontrade 114

Good morning all,

This week I’ve been out and about reviewing pubs in the Sheffield area. Some fantastic examples of hospitality, innovation and darn good food and wine out in that part of the world, I can tell you!

One of the more surprising products I saw a lot of was speciality beers. Vegan, gluten free, and low or no alcohol options seemed to be thriving in the University town.

Thinking about these niche beers, we asked the members of KAMunity, our online community of pub/bar goers, which of the above options they would prefer their local pub/bar to stock. Results below:

36% said No-alcohol beer
32% Low-alcohol beer
20% Gluten free beer
12% Vegan beer

Focussing on no-alcohol beer (well, it is Dry January to SOME people out there, after all), we asked the members of KAMunity, on what occasion would they drink it?

Although 30% stated that they would never drink no-alcohol beer, 18% said they would if they were driving, followed by 10% who would order it if “trying to be healthy”. Other occasions included;

Dry January (6%)
When I’m on a diet (4%)

I’d love to know your views on specialist beers, feel free to feedback by reply to this email.


After a rather “liquid” night out with my ex-Boss last night, I am planning a quiet night in tonight with Mr Katy. Tomorrow we have tickets to see the so far well-reviewed T2 (Trainspotting 2), followed by dinner and drinks in Brixton (as usual, recommendations welcome) and Sunday lunch at a friend’s house in Surrey.

And there goes January…!



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