KAMera- Eye on the Ontrade 91


A timely piece of insight for you today (it’s almost like a plan these emails!), as I’d like to focus on “time of day retailing”, specifically breakfast/brunch occasions in pubs.

With the news that Fullers is to start serving breakfast at some of their pubs, and that the number of brunch meal occasions has shot through the roof in 2016, we asked the members of KAMunity when they HAVE gone to a pub for breakfast or brunch and when they WOULD go to one.

70% of people said that they had had breakfast in a pub (and not just the liquid type!)
75% said they would have breakfast in a pub, so there’s some headroom there for the trade



66% have had brunch in a pub
79% of KAMunity members said they WOULD have brunch in a pub

Clear to see where the opportunity is, what I’d like to understand is where are the opportunities for suppliers and pubs to work together to capitalise on these occasions?

Now, I only discuss politics on my personal social media, so I’m not going to declare myself a Remainer or a Brexiter, but what I will say is that the result has shaken KAMunity members- 67% of them believe that the UK exiting the EU will mean an increase in the price of food and drink in pubs and bars.

If you want access to cost effective, quick, actionable insight, just reply to this email and I’ll let you know how you can access our panel of pub-goers or, indeed, sign up to our brand spanking new PubliKAM tracking programme, speaking to 500 Publicans frequently throughout the year!

Tonight Mr Katy and I are off to see Massive Attack in Hyde Park (because we’ve not had enough of standing around in a field in the damp recently…), then a VERY early start tomorrow morning and a loooong drive down to Cornwall with my bridesmaid for a wedding hair and make up trial…not my favourite thing to do on a Saturday but we’re making a trip out of it and have booked a lovely pub/hotel for the night to have dinner and stay at afterwards. Sunday I’ll be watching the England ga… oh, no that’s right, I won’t be; netflix and my sofa it is then!

Have a good one- pretty pretty please keep all your emails and pictures and feedback coming!



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