KAMera- Eye on the Ontrade 98

Good morning and welcome

This week there was outcry over York council’s plan to ban A-Boards from the streets of Coppergate. But in this digital age- how important ARE A-boards to pubs?

We asked the members of KAMunity (our online community of pub/bar goers) whether they had ever gone into a pub purely on the strength of something they had seen on an A-board.

A staggering 75% said they had. If someone could let the Three Tuns in Coppergate know, they can take that fact to York council to help their argument against this seemingly petty rule.


Last week I had a week of blissful relaxation in Portugal on our family holiday, followed by my Hen do, hence the radio silence from KAM Towers, so this week I’m keeping the weekend calm and… heading to Marbella with a friend for 48 hours..! When will I learn to avoid Skyscanner after a couple of glasses of wine?!

Have a great, hopefully sunny, weekend!


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