Ontrade Outlook and eating out in pubs

Good afternoon, and a happy New Year to you all!

This year, I HAVE made a couple of resolutions, first, and totally irrelevant to this email, I have started a British Sign Language course. Which I think will be a breeze compared to my second, with is to ‘get better at tech’.

We are launching two exciting new research reports in January, Ontrade Outlook, a 360 degree look at the future of the pub and bar industry and Plan To Plate, which will look at the journey that consumers take from when they first decide to go out to eat, to when their visit is finished and bill paid. I’ve had a sneak preview of Plan to Plate, and can tell you that one of the more surprising stats I picked up on is that 1 in 3 customers would be happy to pay for their meal in a restaurant or pub PRIOR to dining out- and that figure rises to 1 in 2 when we look at the age group of 18-34.

If you’d like to know more on either report, get in touch!


Tonight I’m having a quiet night in, preparing for a busy weekend that will include a visit to see Wicked at the theatre, followed by one of those generally unsatisfying ‘post theatre’ dinners, then on Sunday a long training ride in preparation for my charity Vietnam bike ride, followed by a trip to Ronnie Scott’s in the evening to see the fabulous Natalie Williams Soul Family.

Happy weekend!

Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia
