Rumours of the death of focus groups has been greatly exaggerated

With the increase in availability of new technologies and ‘instant insight’ it’s often easy to dismiss traditional research methodologies as yesterday’s news. However, although many new techniques have enhanced the data collection process, there are still not many better ways to get true, unedited customer insight than by speaking to them – face to face.

With customer experience being the key asset for many of today’s brands it’s actually becoming one of the most vital tools in a research armoury, as the essential function of a focus group is to create an environment in which the customer’s experience of a product, initiative, concept, etc. can be discussed and assessed.

Furthermore, by inviting the client to be a witness to the debate (either through the looking glass or by filming the session, focus groups are one of the only methodologies that allow the client to be part of the data collection. The post focus group discussions we’ve had with clients often deliver rather some of the most insightful outcomes.

At KAM we’re a big fan of focus groups. We also believe by filming the groups that not only does this allow the client to be a part of the discussion, but we will also edit the debate into a 2-3 minute summary film – which can be shared throughout the wider business – meaning that everyone can benefit from the value provided.We believe that focus groups are making a comeback. This year alone we’ve already facilitated many groups for a diverse mix of clients. We also have a wealth of combined experience of facilitating focus groups – so we like to think that we’re pretty good at it!

Check out a clip of what our summary focus group films look like from a project we worked on recently for McColl’s Retail Group

If you’re interested in running some focus groups or have a business challenge which you feel could benefit from some customer experience research, then get in touch as we’d love to help. Fill in our contact form or email us

Blake Gladman

Hi, I'm Blake, Strategy & Insight Director at KAM. I look after all our research products and manage the collection and delivery of insight throughout KAM. I love long runs and good food (the perfect life balance).