KAMera- An eye on Convenience 106

Good afternoon!

With Valentines day on the horizon, in-between warning my postman of all the extra work he’ll have next week, I have been visiting stores and seeing some fantastic in-store theatre being created around the occasion.

From classy and up-market to downright tacky and nasty, I’ve LOVED every one of them!

And let’s not forget the suppliers who are making a special effort; I particularly like Diageo’s “Valentines Bailey’s”.

In the last few years, c-store’s credibility around events has soared, but have shoppers noticed retailers’ hard work?

We asked the members of KAMunity whether they saw their local store as a credible place to buy Valentines gifts; 56% told us they did, with 37% stating that they planned to buy a gift/card there this year. I’m pretty sure Mr Katy will be one of them (though I’m ALSO pretty sure he won’t have “planned” to shop there…!)

A quiet weekend coming up; after-work drinks in South London tonight, but home in time for dinner with the kids (no, really!), then tomorrow an afternoon cinema visit to see The Post, followed by a night in, probably watching more stuff on a screen.

Sunday is reserved for a back log of work-related reading and a list of house-jobs that would bore the hell out of you if I bothered to give you any more detail. I’m bored just thinking about Sunday TBH.

Have a great weekend, try to make it more interesting than mine

Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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