Generation Z have more to do than drink and take drugs!

Good morning and welcome

A recent article in The Guardian tackles the idea that Generation Z have “more to do than drink and take drugs”. How novel. Click-bait quotes aside, the article quite neatly lays out some opinions and behavioural trends of this digitally-raised generation and is well worth a read.

Meanwhile, as if by magic, KAM Media are launching an exciting new insight report, focussing on Generation Z- their thoughts about brands, their feelings, their behaviours and their plans for the future

Results are just coming through to us and make for even more fascinating reading than the Guardian article

We looked specifically at where Generation Z were spending their leisure £;
68% of those questioned had been to a pub or bar in the last 4 weeks which, perhaps surprisingly, was higher than the number who had been to a coffee shop (63%), but significantly lower than the 78% who had been to a restaurant in the same period of time.

To register your interest in this report (priced at £695), just reply to this email today- no commitment, but if you DO decide to purchase, I’ll give you a pretty decent discount. Today only, mind.

This report is a must-read for anyone who wants to know the thoughts and plans of Generation Z, after all, they’re the future of every business out there.

Tonight I’m heading into town to meet a friend over from Australia, to re-introduce her to SoHo, then down to Hailsham to take my Grandma out for lunch on Saturday before packing for the annual family holiday, which we leave for at stupid ‘o’clock on Monday morning.

A week with two teenage boys and Mr Katy in Scotland; Loch Lomond and the Isle of Arran, primarily, so any ideas of places to go/eat/things to do are very much gratefully received.

Watch out for next week’s “focus on Scotland” blog, I promise there won’t be a Nessie joke to be seen…


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia

