KAMera- An eye on Convenience 109

Good morning from snowy Dublin,

As bag in the box wine sees a resurgence and Gin comes back as the all-conquering spirit, Pinkster have created a hybrid of the two- bag in the box gin.

The box, pouch and cap are all recyclable, tapping into the need for environmental kindness in the products we buy, the economies of scale mean that each box saves the customer around £35 against buying bottles separately and, well, I think it looks great on shelf too.

But would convenience store customers buy it? We asked the members of KAMunity, of which just 36% said they would. For those who wouldn’t, the reason was primarily the outlay of such an amount (£135) in one go, no surprises there. For those who WOULD, however, the positive environmental effects of the product were the main draw.

Now, as for my plans this weekend… I am currently, as you read this, stuck in Dublin due to “The Beast From The East” and Storm Emma.

I was supposed to be back Wednesday lunchtime, but so far, 3 cancelled flights and 3 extra nights in hotels later, I will HOPEFULLY be flying home on Saturday night. So I’ll miss my youngest’s stepson’s birthday today, and the Brighton  Cheese Festival tomorrow and I’m feeling incredibly sorry for myself.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a better weekend than I’m in for.


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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