A bottle for every occasion

Good morning, and happy Bank Holiday Friday!

One final Stateside instalment from me; The Drinks Business, this week, remarked on the increase in half bottles of wine being sold in the UK. One major stand-out in the US for me was the variety of pack type and bottle size available for wine.

In Trader Joe’s in New Jersey, not only were half bottles available but also DOUBLE bottles- 1.5 litres. When we look at existing research into wine bottle size in convenience, UK shoppers tell us that they would be more likely to buy wine in a convenience store (54%) if half bottles were available. But what about super-sized wine bottles? Not quite as popular- just 23% said they would buy a 1.5 litre bottle in their local convenience store.

And, as for packaging, in both New York and New Jersey, wine in cans (especially sparkling) seemed to be popular; certainly, so retailers told me, more popular than the traditional RTD’s that we see on shelves over here.

Tonight’s trip to Wembley to see the Manic Street Preachers will be followed by a visit to Surrey for the day tomorrow with friends in a pub garden (*looks up to the sky and prays*) with old friends. Sunday is reserved for an attempt to clear the ‘day of the triffids’ out of my garden, and then I’ll be joining Mr Katy on tour for a couple of days on Monday- any great venues to check out in Leeds will be gratefully accepted!

Have a great long weekend all,


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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