Experience is king!

Good afternoon and happy Bank Holiday Friday!

A little late on the bandwagon, but this week I visited Brewhouse and Kitchen in Islington. The award-winning concept certainly ticked a lot of boxes; although beer-focussed, they also had a great range of gin and vodka, which I took full advantage of. The food was, I am reliably informed, good, well-priced and delivered quickly. The decor was interesting and well thought through. The staff were lovely and, importantly, very knowledgable.

But, what impressed me most was the depth of engagement they had with customers through their events and “extras” like the Beer Masterclass and the Brewery days. More and more, customers are looking to spend money on something experiential rather than “things”. 61% of Millennials, during a recent research project conducted by KAM, told us that they were more likely to visit a pub/bar if there was “an experience to be had” that wasn’t just popping in for a pint and a pack of peanuts.

It’s no wonder they keep winning industry awards!

Tonight’s trip to Wembley to see the Manic Street Preachers will be followed by a visit to Surrey for the day tomorrow with friends in a pub garden (*looks up to the sky and prays*) with old friends. Sunday is reserved for an attempt to clear the ‘day of the triffids’ out of my garden, and then I’ll be joining Mr Katy on tour for a couple of days on Monday- any great venues to check out in Leeds will be gratefully accepted!

Have a great long weekend all,


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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