KAMera- An eye on Convenience 96

Good morning and welcome,

On my whistle stop tour of Stockholm and Oslo this week, I visited quite a selection of convenience stores. Like most countries, there’s a chasm between the quality of the best and the worst; the latter generally being cramped, dusty and poorly stocked, the best having a great fresh offering and interesting merchandising.

However, one similarity most stores had was the clever execution of cross-category promotions to upsell their customers. I particularly liked the soft drink/chocolate bar combo shown in the picture below.

And what do British convenience store shoppers think? We asked the members of KAMunity whether they would buy a similar promotion; 72% said they would, proving yet again that complementary cross-category promotions are very welcomed by shoppers.

One of the better stores pictured below

And then there was this store; a little too cramped and untidy, but I thought turning the corner of the store into a lottery area was a nice touch.

Tonight I am doing NOTHING. And I couldn’t be happier! Tomorrow I’ve got lunch with a friend and industry colleague up in North London and then on Sunday we have friends coming for a roast lunch. Some family/home time is much needed.

Whatever you’re doing, have a great weekend!


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia



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