KAMera- An eye on Convenience 97

Good morning and welcome,

This week’s news of a Morrisons supermarket in West Yorkshire opening a bar in store is yet another example of the blurring of retail channels. Customers don’t separate their leisure time out into “on trade and off trade”, they want their lives to be enhanced through interesting experiences and easy-to-use outlets. We asked the members off KAMunity whether they would be likely to stop off for a drink in their local supermarket if it was available. 14% said they definitely would, 18% told us they probably would, 36% said probably not and 32% said definitely not!

And in other Morrisons news, the retailer has announced that they have frozen prices on 20 popular product lines. What does this have to do with Convenience? Well we asked the members of KAMunity which category they would most like their local convenience store to freeze prices in. You’ll find the answers charted below.

If you’d like to understand how KAMunity can help your business, drop me an email and I’ll get in touch next week.

Tonight I’m off to the cinema; my Dad surprised me with tickets to Paddington 2, because he still thinks I’m 12. Tomorrow night I have friends coming round for me to test out the recipes I learnt on a cookery course in India. Sunday is rest day (apart from the daily gym visit), a day on my sofa with the papers.

Thanks for reading, have a great weekend


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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