KAMera- An eye on the Ontrade 143

Good afternoon,

On a recent trade tour to Birmingham, I visited The Jekyll and Hyde, a beautiful Victorian-era pub in the centre of town. The decor and style was excellent, the Gin Emporium on the first floor was fabulous (and VERY well stocked with over 60 different gins!) and the music was interesting and involving.

As I was leaving, I was pleased to see the sign pictured below, informing me that I could now go online, log into Spotify and listen to a specially curated playlist, which I have since done and it reminded me pleasantly of my time at the Jeykll and Hyde. What a great way to keep your venue in the minds of your customers long after they have left!

It’s not something I’ve seen before, so I asked the members of KAMunity whether they had ever listened to a pub/bar-curated playlist, expecting a resounding “no”, but actually, 12% HAD. As usual, I’m the last to know…

That’s it from me this week, it’s been a hectic one thanks to the launch of our new research tool, Instant Insights; if you want to understand more about how you can access cost-effective visual research, just reply to this email and I’ll explain all!

Tonight I’m having dinner in Soho with a friend who I’ve not seen in a while, tomorrow I will be having lunch with my Brother down in Surrey (no prizes for guessing who’s paying…), then a friends drinks party in the evening.

Sunday I’ll be selflessly ploughing some of my ill-gotten gains back into the British pub industry at a Beatles-themed pub quiz night, I’m taking my Dad along and I’ve been making Mr Katy revise all week (not that I’m competitive…), so I reckon we’ve got a chance!


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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