KAMera- Eye on Convenience 58

Good afternoon!

There’s been a glut of new adult soft drinks come onto the market in recent months; and here at KAM Towers, we have been creating bespoke research programmes for more soft drinks companies than ever before.

Is it the trend towards health and wellbeing? Is it that Millenials are drinking less alcohol than their predecessors? Is it that we just want more choice?

We asked the members of KAMunity whether they thought that the range of adult soft drinks in convenience stores was good enough. 87% said that it was- good news for the industry

We also asked shoppers whether they were planning on doing “dry January” next year; 25% of people told us that they were- what implications does this have for January’s merchandising, POS, promotional activity?

It’s been a busy week here at KAM HQ, a long weekend that included taking in Exhibitionism, the Rolling Stones exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery and buying wedding rings (!) has meant cramming 5 days work into 4, so I’m off down to Surrey tonight for dinner with some friends, but tomorrow I will be ploughing through my emails. Sunday brings a long, lazy pub lunch. Perfect

Please keep your comments, questions and opinions coming!



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