KAMera- Eye on the Ontrade 107

Good morning and welcome.

You may have noticed that I spend a fair amount of time visiting pubs and bars. I, on average, have one bad experience in every ten visits. Now, just because I have had a bad experience, doesn’t mean I won’t go back; I like giving second chances and I like seeing obvious improvements but the average Joe Public disagrees.

In a recent study conducted for one of our clients,that I am able to share with you, the average pub/bar customer would only give a pub 2 chances before they stopped going back altogether if any of the following were the reason they left-

Bad service
Poor food
Uncomfortable atomsphere
Drinks not served properly

If you’d like the full results of what makes pub-goers STOP going to a venue, just reply to this email.

PS- all the recent furore about e-cigarettes? 59% of KAMunity members think they should be banned from Pubs and bars; 41% don’t.


This weekend I’m planning on a girls night in with wine and Children In Need, tomorrow I am continuing the Moses Home Improvement projects. Ick.

Sunday Mr Katy is back from tour… pub, papers, red wine. Tick!

Have a great weekend


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