KAMera- Eye on the Ontrade 112

Good afternoon and welcome!

This final email of 2016 comes to you straight from the results of PubliKAM (our omnibus research programmme that speaks to over 500 publicans twice a year- reply to this email if you’d like more details!).

At a time of year when we are all reviewing what’s passed and looking to the future, we asked Publicans, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most positive, whether they were optimistic about 2017. Average score was 8.2/10- very encouraging.

Sticking with the “new” theme, we also asked them how they found out about new products- Trade press is still the top answer here. Who said print was dead?! If you’d like the full results of this question- let me know and I’ll send you a little Christmas gift in the shape of a PowerPoint slide with the answers on!

Well, no prizes for guessing what I’m doing THIS weekend! The same as the majority of you, I would guess- eating, drinking and being as merry as one is allowed to be in front of one’s 86 year old Grandmother!

And then on New Year’s Eve I am off on my long awaited honeymoon, so this is me signing off for 2016, I hope you have enjoyed my little Friday missives, I appreciate each and everyone of you who takes the time to read and/or reply and send me your trade pictures, facts and thoughts. You’re all awesome.

Have a fabulous Christmas and New Year- see y’all in 2017!



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