KAMera- An eye on Convenience 107

Good morning and welcome,

It’s been a busy week at KAM Towers, 3 new clients, 3 exciting new research projects to work on; it really has been an “I love my job” week.

One of the areas we’re being asked to concentrate on by more and more retailers (and suppliers), is customer satisfaction- how good is the service that suppliers are giving to retailers, and in turn, the service that convenience retailers are giving to customers.

As part of this research, we asked the members of KAMunity what they would rate their most visited convenience store out of 10. At an average of 6.8/10, there’s clearly room for improvement.

We then asked whether they felt that staff were “adequately trained to do their job’- a huge 40% said they weren’t.

Now, there’s some good news because, of those interviewed, 26% said that there was, in fact, nothing that their local store staff need training in- and I know of plenty of stores in this bracket.

But, for those who believe that training IS needed, when we ask what areas that training is needed in, general ‘customer service’ comes out top (34%), followed by training on legal issues (10%).

As with every industry, there’s the great and the good and then there’s the “not so great and good”, but one fact remains; training staff in stores, head offices, and those out on the road can only add to the success of a business.


I’ll be spending tonight with friends in Surrey having dinner at their local pub, an overnight stay and a long river walk starting at Shepperton on Saturday. On Saturday night I’ll be back in London for a friend’s 60th in trendy Shoreditch, apparently Brandon Block is DJ-ing- who knew HE was still going!?

On Sunday I’m meeting my middle brother (the one who is ACTUALLY an adult but doesn’t act like it, not the one who is ACTUALLY a child and doesn’t act like it) for lunch. Supposedly.

Have a great weekend and remember to share any requests for insight with me- if your question is good enough, we might even feature it on a weekly email.


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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