KAMera- An eye on the Ontrade 147

Happy Friday!

I love a well-made cocktail- who doesn’t? But what I don’t like is waiting for 15 minutes before I get served a drink when I arrive at a pub/bar.

At Pub18, the dedicated trade show for our industry, I saw a cocktail-making machine; and I’m not talking about Mr Katy under instruction on any given Friday night. The GiG 15 Pro (catchy name) is an automated machine that can make up to 75 cocktails from pre-programmed instructions in an average of 5 seconds.

Now, before we go all “the robots are taking over”, this is NOT, I repeat NOT for every kind of outlet. Customers in authentic, specialist cocktail bars want proper bar people, mixologists with flair and talent. But SOME customers would love to take advantage of this fast, efficient equipment; we asked the members of KAMunity whether they would be happy to be served a cocktail from a GigI 15 Pro in a pub/bar. 42% said they would, so there’s certainly a market for it. And of those customers who said yes, what were the top 3 cocktail choices?

Pina Colada, Cosmopolitan and Mojito came out top (drop me a line for the top ten).

Personally, the favourite thing I’ve seen to keep customers happy at the bar whilst cocktails are being created is a “taster shot” of a different cocktail- a good way to utilise wastage, to encourage customers to try new drinks and to offer “something for nothing”.


I’ll be spending tonight with friends in Surrey having dinner at their local pub, an overnight stay and a long river walk starting at Shepperton on Saturday. On Saturday night I’ll be back in London for a friend’s 60th in trendy Shoreditch, apparently Brandon Block is DJ-ing- who knew HE was still going!?

On Sunday I’m meeting my middle brother (the one who is ACTUALLY an adult but doesn’t act like it, not the one who is ACTUALLY a child and doesn’t act like it) for lunch. Supposedly.

Have a great weekend and remember to share any requests for insight with me- if your question is good enough, we might even feature it on a weekly email!


Follow me on Twitter @katykammedia


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